Marcel Duchamp
Dadaïsme en Surrealisme

Zijn werk 'Fountain' (1917) is een voorbeeld
van Conceptuele kunst.

Marcel Duchamp kan, samen met Picasso, Kandinsky en Matisse als de vader van de hedendaagse kunst beschouwd worden, en met name als het om de nieuwere kunstvormen als installaties enconceptuele kunst gaat, waar hij in alle richtingen (zelfs in de richting van de videokunst, met zijn film Anemic Cinema) zeer belangrijke stappen heeft gezet.

Three little magazines were produced by the French émigrés Marcel Duchamp and Henri-Pierre Roché in New York in 1917, and their role in the scandal of Duchamp's Fountain has ensured their inscription in the history of Dada, though the name was then unknown to the protagonists. Duchamp's close friend Francis Picabia was in New York at the same time and his 391 was also exploring Duchamp's idea of the 'readymade'.

The Blindman (its first issue ran the words together in the title) was published in April 1917 by Henri-Pierre Roché with contributions from Mina Loy and Beatrice Wood.

Joseph Kosuth
In 1965 presenteert hij zijn eerste conceptuele werk, One and three chairs. Dit werk bestaat uit een houten stoel, een foto van een stoel en de ‘stoel uit het woordenboek'. Kosuth stelt zichzelf de volgende vragen: Is een stoel een stoel? Is een foto van een stoel ook een stoel? Is de definitie van een stoel een stoel? Is de definitie van een stoel méér stoel dan een echte stoel of een foto ervan? Waarom zou de definitie van een stoel minder stoel zijn dan de stoel zelf?
Theo van Doesburg
De Stijl, Dutch for "The Style", also known as neoplasticism, was a Dutch artistic movement founded in 1917. In a narrower sense, the term De Stijl is used to refer to a body of work from 1917 to 1931 founded in the Netherlands. De Stijl is also the name of a journal that was published by the Dutch painter, designer, writer, and critic Theo van Doesburg (1883–1931), propagating the group's theories.

Marcel Broodthaers
Belgian poet, photographer, film-maker and artist. Born in Brussels. Began as a poet and aged 16-17 had some contacts with the Belgian Surrealists, especially Magritte, who gave him a copy of Mallarmé's Un Coup de Dés. (Magritte's paintings with words, in which there is a contradiction between the painted word and the painted object, were later a crucial influence on him). Started in 1958 to publish articles illustrated with his own photographs.
At the end of 1963 decided to become an artist and began to make objects. First one-man exhibition at the Galerie St Laurent, Brussels, 1964. Exhibited everyday objects, words, lettering, child-like drawings etc., often with verbal-visual puns; made books, catalogues, prints on everything from canvases attached to the wall to reliefs in plastic. Made his first film in 1957 and from 1967 a number of short films. In 1968 established a 'Museum of Modern Art' of postcards of paintings and packing cases in his house in Brussels, followed by various other installation-structures. From late 1969 lived mainly in Düsseldorf, Berlin and finally London. Died in Cologne.

Filippo tommaso Marinetti
The poet and guiding light of Futurism carried out some of the most important musical experiments of the early 20th Century through his "mots en liberté" and his "Sintesi per il Teatro Tadiofonico." All his theoretical works are specifically concerned with music, from his manifestos to his various writings.
Pietro (de) Saga



Roosje Klap

- Conceptuele denkmethodes
- Eigenzinnig
- Ze moet de betekenis snappen voordat ze iets kan maken